

the amount of sleep i've had in the past two days:
low, even for me
plus tonight, i'll be somewhere around 11 hours since sunday

apparently, all level IIs have to go to training on saturday
training, i'm told, that will last FIVE FUCKING HOURS
i hardly care enough to keep showing up for my damn shifts
and now this?
i don't care that i'm being paid to go to this
i'm still going to be bored out of my fucking mind
as if the videos weren't bad enough

concert was tonight
had to borrow a shirt from jim, since my white one is way too big
went to dublin square afterwards
ended up staying for about two hours [go figure]
i also listened the 'furioso and valse' when i got back,
i hate when i remind myself about when i could still play percussion
son of a bitch, i was really good once upon a time
not anymore
john hill would be so disappointed

and of course, listening to just one thing from my band cds
i end up back on 'on a hymnsong of philip bliss'
i'll be damned if it doesn't always make me think of mr anderson
and how i'll never forgive myself for lying to him the last time i saw him
s'hard to stomach sometimes that he's gone

i've seen fucking 3`15 every goddamn day for two fucking weeks
i'm tired of it


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