

i finally got tiger installed on this fucker
and finally got all my music on my ipod
i can finally listen to all the shit on there again
fuckin finally

my getting tiger [mac os 10.4] is just a little bit of history repeating
[back rub prize for the person who guess who sings that song]
back when tiger was due to launch
like leopard [10.5] is now
my dad bought panther [10.3] for me
and about three/four weeks later, tiger came out
so now, much like then
i'll be on the technological cusp for about a month
until the summer when i finally get a macbook
and get leopard on that

the bitterest girl on earth [known to some as emily]
was extra bitter tonight
possibly because sherfy was there
or possibly because its 'that time'
either way
she was pretty fucking bitter

without getting into details
i have much shit to do today
cuz i put it off to watch state lose again [to northwestern {?!}]
and then watch two obscure teams play [towson and u of richmond]
and play a much more exciting, interesting game
let me tell you what
towson won their game on a touchdown pass
with 00`00 left on the clock
pretty fuckin awesome
then i watched ohio state play minnesota in volleyball
well, not really watched
it was on in the background
i didnt even realize it was on till i actually looked back at the tv
but, i wont have those distractions

i'm becoming/have become sort of disenchanted with the nfl
dont get me wrong
there will always be a diehard steeler fan in me, ALWAYS
but, nfl football just isnt as intense as college football
at least, not to me
not quite as exciting
maybe because i'm tired of hearing about the fucking lions
no one likes them, they'll always suck
get used to it
that being said
afc central, let's kick some ass


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