
freud, breuer, and jung

hey, if you feel like reading something
i just wrote something
its probly crap, but you should read it anyway
its called 'doa'

apparently, i'm still wearing my work shirt
i don't know why
i'm also still awake
i don't know why
i didn't do nearly the amount of homework i should've
i don't know why
man, i just suck

and just so i can make this clear
i do actually have insomnia
yes, it is an actual medical condition
so i'm not using it as an excuse to stay up late
and i'm not using it as an excuse to sleep in
plus, when its coupled with my depression
it plays wonderful games with my head
where i stay up ungodly late
feeling like shit
and think about things i've [un]successfully repressed
like i am know
so if i say i feel like like i've been hit by a bus
because i was up half the night
i'm not lying

i have the very unpleasant feeling
that this coming week is really gonna suck
and i hate that
here's hoping i'm wrong, like normal
by the way, did i mention i'm self-deprecating?
because i am

i'm done with this


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