

after a week of 90º or higher, coupled with 50% humidity,
i have two thoughts:
how the fuck do people in the south not kill themselves?
and, thank sweet and holy jaysus for a/c
the heat/humid combo also makes impossible to get shit done
considering how much i sweat [and how little it takes to make me sweat]
i really don't like working in the heat
so everyday i've come in from outside, i've been fucking soaked
fuck this bullshit nonsense, i'm moving to greenland
guess it's time for me to learn danish

my efforts to keep busy have mostly been a success
after vowing that i wouldn't waste another summer doing 'nothing'
['nothing' being watching tv, playing video games, and drinking slurpees]
i've been doing basically anything that'll make me do something
the bulk of it's been yardwork,
which is never not a blast and a half
my job was supposed to help with this too,
but considering how few hours i've gotten since i started,
it's a miserable failure in that regard
such is life in genesee county, i guess

i'm not really sure why,
but i got three different invites to audition for shit today
nothing major, just some random projects/plays people are putting on
i'm just surprised/confused they came at the same time
i might consider them,
but, since the last summer movie i took part in STILL isn't done,
and the one i started lo these many years ago never took off,
i dunno

and now for something completely different:
this is truly the greatest headline i've read in a long time
jury's still out on whether it was intentional or not,
but it still had 'teh lulz' factor going for it
'tired gay succumbs to dix in 200 meters'
it leads to so many awesome questions:
why was he a tired gay?
why did it take [only] 200 meters for him to succumb?
also, why did they use the word 'succumb'?
you'd think it was more of a willing submission
regardless, good job, reuters reporter

i've been listening to shitty electropop/dance for the past three days
and i can't fucking stop
it's starting to become a real problem
apparently, too much eric prydz, sam sparro, hercules and love affair, alexander perls,
dschinghis khan, frankmusik, lady gaga, david guetta, morandi, and dan black is bad
i can't get this shit out of my head
at least if i die in the near future, you'll know why


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