

it was a big ol' week in the ncaa last week
i was planning to write a post about it
[something about as long as my posts from earlier this year]
but, i'm not gonna
partially cuz i'm kinda lazy
and mostly cuz i don't think anyone would want to read it
so, instead, i'll give you the short version

first up, the big ten has a new member
last friday, we officially accepted nebraska
i'm still on the fence about it
i don't mind the big ten expanding,
honestly i think it's a good thing,
but i don't think nebraska was the best choice
maybe it's just me
i don't think taking from the big 12 was a good move
i have my reasons [and there are plenty]
and, if you want them, you'll get 'em
otherwise, that's it

speaking of the big 12,
they've now lost two of their members
[nebraska being the second]
earlier in the week,
colorado announced that they'll be joining the pac–10
also, in my opinion, not the best move
of all the teams the pac–10 could've taken
i don't see colorado being their best choice
it's not exactly at the calibre of the other pac–10 teams

and, on the subject of the pac–10,
they've also formally extended an offer to utah
which, supposedly, is gonna accept as early as later today
i'm not really sure what the pac–10 is up to,
but they seem to be reaching a bit far for expansion
the big ten does, too
and that seems kinda ridiculous to me
these two conferences are of the best in the country
they don't need to convince schools to join them
schools would line up for days to become part of them

what bothers me about these moves is this:
they all happened in the past week and a half
nebraska applied and was accepted into the big ten on the same day
colorado's decision took about two days
it really makes me question how these things are handled
obviously meetings have been happening for months
why does it all have to be behind closed doors?
even if the public isn't consulted,
which it probly shouldn't be,
they should at least be aware

the only conference change that makes sense to me is boise state
obviously they have really grown into a powerhouse team
and they have way outgrown the wac
so them moving to mountain west makes perfect sense
and the mountain is really looking to establish themselves,
so what better way than to bolster byu, tcu, and utah?
i think boise state'll do well in mountain west
maybe they'll finally get a shot at a national title now,
which they've definitely earned

if i'm feeling up to it tomorrow,
i might rant about some possible 'future re–alignments',
god knows there's some stupid rumors out there
so, consider this a head's up that this'll continue

also, a last side note
tom izzo's officially staying at msu
who honestly didn't see that coming?


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