

holy shit, son
do i have news for you people

this year, in us news & world report's yearly ranking of grad schools/programs,
itchose five msu grad programs as #1 in the country for their respective fields
guess what they are?
–elementary education
–secondary education
–rehabilitation counseling
–industrial and organizational psychology

that's right, i'm not lying
msu beat out the massachusetts institute of technology and cal tech in nuclear physics
this is fucking incredible
the fact that we have five number one programs is awesome
[and our college of ed has been number one for sixteen years]
but the fact that we edged out such a science powerhouse is amazing
and now we have the frib at our cyclotron
we're just rockin' the sciencey shit here now

as a side note,
i think msu should get a new slogan for their commercials
enough of this 'advancing knowledge, transforming lives' bullshit
i propose something new:
'Michigan State University: We'll Science the Shit Out of You'

references n shit:
msu article
freep article
state news article


Anonymous said...

That. Is. Fucking. Fantastic.

der mahdi said...

i know, right?

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