
linn valley

it's that time of the year again
classes start, and what a treat it will be

the thing that kills me,
of all the shit that professors do [un]intentionally,
is when they over–format the syllabus.
it's a goddamn course outline
it doesn't need to be pretty, it doesn't need photos
it doesn't need to be 10 goddamn pages long
i don't need clipart and cutesy sayings to help me understand class
every semester i go through this shit
i download all my syllabi and i reformat them
i can usually cut them down about 25% just getting rid of graphics
if this really was a 'green university'
they'd forbid any syllabus longer than three pages, double sided
that's how you save paper

i will say, i'm pleased with my start times this semester
only one class starts before noon
shit ton better than another 8`30
i' never want to go through that again

also, a big fuck you goes out to kim wilcox, our provost
our welcome 'days' fucking sucked
this year's freshmen got screwed, royally
also, what the fuck was up with those fireworks?
is that really what they're using our tuition money for?
because i can think of better ways to spend $18k

is it december yet?


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