

i fucking hate sad realizations
i was talking to a girl i work with
and she said, in jest [i hope]
'i'd rather listen to arnold [a chef] bitch for half an hour
than listen to you bitch for five minutes'
makes me realize that, not just me
but everyone complains
fucking stupid
it needs to stop

it would seem that my nightmares are back
and let me tell you
this one?
oh, it was great
not only was it incredibly violent
it was confusing, and really disturbing
the unsettled kind of disturbing
it throws a nice wrench in the cog
though, i'll say this
i'd rather wake up fuckin terrified
than wake up fuckin confused
like i usually do
swear to god, dreams are some weird shit
and no, i'm not complaining here
i'm merely informing
for anyone who actually gives a damn

if you dont already know
i have an incredible love for webcomics
i've spent many a long, long night
reading through entire archives of them
and i'm always looking for more to enjoy
if you know any, feel free to tell me
you may just get a hug out of it

the more dr karon tell us about psychiatric medicines
and explanations of what horrid things they do
and the more we learn about how much they dont want to talk to people
instead just giving prescriptions
and not even caring about what happens afterwards
the more i fucking hate the two people i had to see
i hope they rot in hell


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