

i fucking hate blogger
fucking thing keeps trying to write in devanagari
piece of shit

for those few who read this
do not try to understand what follows
because this is me answering my own thoughts
disregard, and keep scrolling

[–because you like feeling it, even though you shouldn't
–you're a masochist
–why the hell do you keep trying? just let it die like its supposed to, and it won't keep trying to come back
–because you're a moron
–you thought it would work, and you're wrong
–don't let him know; he won't care
–quit while you're ahead, or you're going to drive yourself into the ground
–your work ethic is stronger than it should be, thats why, and its too late to go back or quit
–because you're afraid they'll love you back, and it bothers you
–what kind of pussy are you? stop
–cant you make it three more days? the hell's your fortitude?
–forget it]

the football team won today: they beat penn state
going to a bowl game
first time since 2003
its something
it was a good game, though

i need thanksgiving to be here
so i can recuperate... and plan
and watch my plans fall through
like they always do

apparently i dont need to meet with my history professor
seems my paper was either
i] excellently done, necessitating only minor revisions, or
ii] moderately done, with straightforward, obvious and copious revisions
guess which one i'm going with
either way, that means i have no classes tuesday
shit a brick


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