

for honors college, we have 'fireside chats'
which is basically the chance to sit and talk with h/c professors
at their homes, about issues/subjects they teach/specialize in
so i got a good one this weekend
and i cant go
...because i'm not going to be here

you know whats really sad?
truly, incredibly, sad?
when a person, not born in this country
in her fifties, living here for only 15 years
knows more about grammar, sentence structure, and english in general
than her students do
my russian teacher, зарема [zarema], was teaching grammar today
and identifying things like predicate, direct/indirect objects
subjects, nominitive and prepositional cases
and she was getting blank stares from half the class
hows that possible?

there are so many interesting programs/clubs/orgs here
and i keep getting information for them
and every single damn time
i cant go to them
they always have meetings when i fucking work
iro? can't
msumun? can't
hams journal? can't


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