

after spending two nights at allison's/emily's
i'm actually going to sleep in my own bed tonight
which i'll appreciate
because i wont be waking up them taking photos of me
those i guess i cant complain
i suppose there's more devious things they could do

i hate getting headaches
they fuckin suck
and i have to stay up until it dissipates
cuz if i go to sleep with a migraine
i'll wake up with it
happens every time

i've actually started writing again
which is good
i went over a year without writing a single thing
i need the creative outlet
since i dont have a piano readily available
and i'm sure my roommate doesnt want to hear me sing
though i'm strapped for creative ideas

speaking of creativity
i really want to take up photography
i dont know why/how i got this urge
but i've always appreciated photos
i love taking them
though most of mine are god awful
and [most] everyone knows photos of me turn out hideous
maybe i just need to have a decent camera
and, you know, learn how to spot things
any thing worth taking a shot of, anyway


Anonymous said...

There's a piano in the basement of Sniphi, you just have to ask for the key to the room at the front desk. They tell you that you have about an hour, but really you can use it as long as you like.

Photography is fun, there's so much stuff to learn and know, and all the stuff sounds really cool (for example, I want a 24mm f/1.8 EF-mount lens, and really there's nothing special about that, but whenever I go to stores and ask for it, people get the deer-in-the-headlights look).

The digital SLRs are rather expensive (approaching $1,000 for just the body, no lens), but the older film SLRs are pretty cheap these days.  Then you get to learn how to develop your own film as well, and that is extremely satisfying.

If you really are interested in photography, I've recently gotten in to it, so I'd be happy to help any way that I could.

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